8 Signs & Symptoms Of Anemia


Persistent tiredness and a general lack of energy are common symptoms of anemia, as your body isn't getting enough oxygen.


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Paleness or a noticeable loss of color in the skin, particularly in the face, inner eyelids, and nails, can indicate anemia.

Pale Skin

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Pale Skin

Experiencing shortness of breath or difficulty breathing during routine activities can be a sign that your body is struggling to deliver enough oxygen to tissues.

Shortness Of Breath

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Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, especially when standing up quickly, can be a symptom of anemia due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain.


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Anemia can cause poor circulation, leading to chronically cold hands and feet, regardless of the external temperature.

Cold Hands & Feet

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Irregular heartbeats, known as palpitations, or an unusually rapid heartbeat can occur as the heart works harder to pump oxygen-rich blood.

Heart Palpitations

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Frequent headaches can be a symptom of anemia, resulting from reduced oxygen flow to the brain.


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Anemia can lead to brittle or spoon-shaped nails (koilonychia), indicating insufficient oxygen and nutrients to maintain healthy nail growth.

Brittle Nails

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