8 Tips To Help Get Over Jet Lag

             Written by: Mantasha

Yes, jet lag is real. It happens when traveling across time zones throws off your body's internal clock, which controls sleep and wake times. This disruption affects how your body handles daylight, temperature, and hormones.

Is It Real?

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Let's have a look at some expert tips to get over the jet lag:

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Gradually shift your sleep and wake times to match your destination's time zone before you travel.

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

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Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight to stay hydrated and help your body adjust.

Stay Hydrated

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Spend time outside in natural light upon arrival to help reset your internal clock.

Get Sunlight Exposure

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Reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they can disrupt your sleep patterns.

Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine

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If needed, take short naps (20-30 minutes) to stay refreshed but avoid long naps that can interfere with nighttime sleep.

Take Short Naps

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Consider using sleep aids or melatonin supplements temporarily, but consult with a healthcare provider before use.

Use Sleep Aids Wisely

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Engage in light exercise or stretching to help combat fatigue and improve circulation.

Exercise Regularly

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Eat balanced meals at regular intervals to help regulate your energy levels and support your body’s adjustment.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

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