8 Ways To Remove Excess Oil From Fried Food


Place the fried food on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil. Pat the top with another paper towel for better oil absorption.

Paper Towels

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Transfer the fried food to a cooling rack set over a baking sheet. This allows oil to drip off while keeping the food crisp.

Cooling Rack 

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Use brown paper bags to blot excess oil. Simply place the fried food inside a clean bag and gently shake to remove the oil.

Brown Paper Bags

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Lightly dust the fried food with cornstarch or flour after frying. Let it sit for a few minutes, then shake off the excess powder.

Cornstarch or Flour

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Use slices of bread to blot the excess oil from the surface of the fried food. Bread is highly absorbent and works well for this purpose.

Blotting With Bread

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Lay the fried food on a sheet of newspaper, which can absorb a significant amount of oil. Ensure the food is in contact with the paper for a few minutes.


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Use specially designed oil-absorbing sheets available in the market. Place these sheets under the fried food to soak up the excess oil efficiently.

Oil-Absorbing Sheets

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