9 Drinks To Avoid For A Healthier Summer

-Deepa Sarkar

Avoid these nine drinks for better hydration and health this summer. Choose healthier options to prevent dehydration, weight gain, and related health issues.

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Loaded with sugar and empty calories, sodas can lead to weight gain and dehydration.

Sugary Sodas

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Alcohol dehydrates the body and can lead to heat-related illnesses. Stick to moderation or avoid it entirely.


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High in caffeine and sugar, energy drinks can cause dehydration and increase your heart rate.

Energy Drinks

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Often packed with added sugars, these can contribute to weight gain and do not hydrate just like water.

Sweetened Iced Teas

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Pre-made smoothies can be surprisingly high in sugar and calories. Make your own at home for a healthier option.

Store-Bought Smoothies

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These are often full of sugar and calories, which can contribute to dehydration and weight gain.

Flavored Coffees

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Commercial lemonades are usually high in added sugars. Opt for homemade versions with less sugar.


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Unless you're doing intense physical activity, these can be unnecessary and high in sugar and calories.

Sports Drinks

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Many fruit juices are high in sugar and lack the fiber found in whole fruits. Choose whole fruits instead.

Fruit Juices

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