Aparajita Tea Recipe For Weight Loss


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the captivating Aparajita flowers, renowned for their vibrant blue color. Unlock the secret to how they may support weight loss.

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Boil Water

Start by boiling the desired amount of water. Typically, a cup of water per serving is a good measure.

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Add Aparajita Flowers

After bringing the water to a boil, simmer it and add a handful of Aparajita flowers. Let them steep for 5-10 minutes, adjusting the quantity for your preferred strength.

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Add Flavouring

Add ginger, mint, or lemon to complement the natural taste of Aparajita flowers.

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Additional Sweeteners

If desired, you can add natural sweeteners like honey or jaggery in moderation.

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Strain & Serve

After steeping, strain the tea to remove the flower petals and any other added ingredients. Pour the tea into a cup and enjoy.

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Photo Credit: Freepik