Boost Your Brain Health With 6 Neurobic Exercises

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Neurobic exercises are designed to challenge your brain, helping improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function.


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Try these six exercises to boost your brain health.


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Reading aloud stimulates different brain regions, enhancing comprehension and retention.

Read Aloud

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Switch hands for daily tasks to strengthen neural connections and improve coordination.

Use Your Non-Dominant Hand

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Engage in activities like learning a new language or musical instrument to sharpen your brain.

Learn A New Skill

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Changing routines forces your brain to adapt, increasing cognitive flexibility.

Break Your Routine

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Engage in crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or brain games to improve problem-solving skills.

Try Puzzles & Games

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Interacting with others can boost your cognitive abilities and reduce stress.

Socialize More

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