Busting Common Myths Around Adult Vaccination

             Written by: Dr. Nitika Makhija

When we think of vaccinations, we often associate them with children, but that's not the whole picture. Let’s clear all the wrong notions around adult vaccinations.

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Myth: Vaccinations are only for the kids Fact: Adults also need vaccinations, as immunity from childhood vaccines can wane over time and new health risks can arise with age.

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Myth: Only the flu vaccine is needed for adults Fact: Adults also need vaccines against pneumococcal disease, shingles, and cervical cancer, to protect against serious illnesses.

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Adult vaccination saves 2 to 3 million lives annually.* *https://www.unicef.org/parenting/health/parents-frequently-asked-questions-vaccines

Myth: Vaccines are not safe Fact: Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety. They can protect against serious illnesses like pneumonia, flu, shingles, and even certain cancers.

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Myth: Vaccinations can cause serious side effects Fact: Serious side effects from vaccinations are extremely rare. Most reactions are mild and temporary, like soreness or a low-grade fever.

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Vaccines are as important for adults as they are for children. For any further information, connect with a doctor.