Can Mint Tea Help Lower Cholesterol?


Mint tea might offer some benefits for cholesterol, but the evidence is limited. Here's a breakdown:

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Mint may help increase bile production, which can help the body lower the level of bad cholesterol.

Possible Benefit

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Large-scale studies are needed to definitively say whether mint tea directly lowers cholesterol levels.

Limited Research

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While the impact of mint tea on cholesterol remains unclear, it can be a healthy addition to a cholesterol-lowering diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Combined Approach

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Add 4 cups water, 1 large cucumber, sliced, ½ cup fresh mint leaves, ¼ cup lime juice. Blend all ingredients until smooth then strain into a pitcher and serve chilled over ice. Enjoy!

How To Make

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Remember, a healthy lifestyle is key for managing cholesterol. Mint tea might be a part of the solution, but it's not a replacement for a doctor's advice

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It’s always best to call your doctor if you experience any complications or have underlying health concerns.

Please Note

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