Common Cold v/s Flu

             Written by: Dr. Nitika Makhija

The flu and the common cold often share similar symptoms but differ in severity and onset.

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The common cold, a generally milder infection, primarily affects the nose and throat. The onset of symptoms is gradual.

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– Runny or stuffy nose – Sneezing – Sore throat – Mild cough – Low-grade fever (rare)

Common symptoms of common cold

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The flu is a potentially severe respiratory illness that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms of flu tend to appear abruptly.

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– Fever and chills – Body aches and muscle pain – Fatigue and weakness – Cough and sore throat – Headache and congestion

Common symptoms of flu

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Flu can hit harder, sometimes leading to more severe health issues such as pneumonia, hospitalization, and even death. Getting a flu shot is crucial, as it can significantly reduce the risk of severe health issues.

Remember, the flu virus evolves quickly, so it is crucial to get a flu shot every year. The latest influenza vaccine, Influvac Tetra for 2024-2025, is updated to protect against the most recent flu strains.