Common Dietary Mistakes To Avoid In Summer

simran suri 

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Here are seven common dietary mistakes to avoid during the summer:

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Not drinking enough water or relying too much on sugary drinks instead of hydrating fluids like water or herbal teas.

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Too Much Of Sugary Foods

Excessive intake of ice creams, sodas, and sugary treats can lead to energy crashes and weight gain.

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Skipping Meals

Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can disrupt metabolism and lead to overeating later in the day.

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Overeating Heavy Foods 

Heavy and fried foods can be harder to digest in hot weather, leading to discomfort and sluggishness.

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Neglecting Fresh Fruits

Failing to include enough fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet can deprive the body of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

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Excessive Alcohol 

Alcohol can dehydrate the body, disrupt sleep patterns, and increase body heat, especially in hot weather.

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Ignoring Food Safety

Picnicking or eating outdoors without proper food storage and hygiene practices can lead to foodborne illnesses.

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