Effective Home Remedies To Fight Cough & Cold

- Monalisa Deka

Kadhas made with cloves, cinnamon, tulsi, ginger, and turmeric are highly recommended by Ayurvedic doctors for cough and cold.

Herbal Kadha

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Mix a teaspoon of honey in warm water. Drink this soothing concoction to relieve throat irritation and reduce cough.

Honey & Warm Water

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Ease respiratory discomfort by chewing 4-5 tulsi leaves or drink tulsi tea in the morning to naturally expel sticky mucus and alleviate cough.

Tulsi Leaves

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Place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your pillow or tissue to inhale and get relief from a stuffy nose during sleep.

Eucalyptus Oil

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A glass of warm water with turmeric, salt, or a decoction of herbs like yashtimadhu, pippali & haridra may give you relief from sore throat, cough reflex & hoarse voice.


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