Essential Things To Know Before You Start Your IVF

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

In honor of World IVF Day 2024, we're shedding light on the important aspects of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). If you are considering IVF, here are key things you need to know to prepare yourself for the journey.

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a procedure where an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body, in a lab. The fertilized egg is then implanted into the uterus.

What Is IVF?

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The IVF journey begins with a detailed consultation with a fertility specialist who will assess your medical history, perform necessary tests, and discuss the process and expectations.

Initial Consultation

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IVF can be expensive. Understand the costs involved, including medication, procedures, and any additional treatments. Check if your insurance covers any part of the process.

Financial Planning

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 IVF can be an emotional rollercoaster. Be prepared for the highs and lows, and consider seeking support from a counselor or support group.

Emotional Preparedness

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Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol and smoking to increase the chances of a successful IVF.

Lifestyle Changes

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 Be aware of the risks involved, such as multiple pregnancies, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Potential Risks 

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Understand the legal and ethical implications, such as the handling of unused embryos, donor anonymity, and parental rights.

Legal & Ethical Aspects

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Consult with a fertility specialist to understand if IVF is right for you. Share this information to help others on their IVF journey.

Take The First Step

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