Essential Tips For Preventing Diaper Rash 

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Diaper rash is a common concern for parents, but with the right steps, it can be prevented. Here are essential tips to help keep your baby’s skin healthy and rash-free.

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Prolonged contact with dirty diapers can lead to rashes. Change your baby’s diaper every 2-3 hours and immediately after they poop to keep their skin protected.

Change Diapers Frequently

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Both cloth and disposable diapers pose similar risks if not changed within time. Choose a brand without dyes or fragrances, and ensure diapers aren’t too tight to prevent irritation.

Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers

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Apply a thick layer of fragrance-free barrier cream, like those containing zinc oxide or petrolatum, to protect your baby’s skin from moisture and irritants.

Use Barrier Cream or Ointment

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Change wet diapers right away, and pat your baby’s bottom dry with a soft cloth after each change. Diaper-free time on a towel also helps prevent moisture buildup.

Keep The Area Dry

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Use plain warm water and a soft cloth to clean your baby’s diaper area. Be gentle and thorough, especially in skin folds, to avoid irritation.

Clean Gently & Thoroughly

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Ensure the diaper fits loosely to allow airflow and prevent chafing. This is especially important during the night when soiling may go unnoticed for longer.

Keep Diaper Loose

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If diaper rash develops, change diapers every hour, clean with warm water, and apply a barrier cream. Give your baby diaper-free time and avoid scented wipes.

What To Do If Rash Appears

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Seek medical help if the rash doesn’t clear up in 3 days, if blisters or open wounds form, or if your baby has a fever.

When To Call A Doctor

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