Everything You Need To Know About Pica


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Pica is a condition that affects pregnant women and children. It's when a person feels a strong urge to eat things that are not food. This can be dangerous, as they might eat items like dirt, soap, or even raw rice.

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Signs To Watch For

Regularly eating non-food items is the main sign of pica. This can include things like ice, clay, wall paint, or even chalk.

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Causes Of Pica

There isn't just one cause of pica. Sometimes it's linked to not getting enough of certain nutrients, like iron or zinc. Pregnant individuals might have pica because they need more iron.

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Other Causes

Mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia or OCD, can also play a role. Some people might enjoy the taste or texture of non-food items.

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Diagnosing Pica

Doctors can't do a single test for pica. They'll talk to you about what you've been eating to make a diagnosis. Blood tests might be done to check for low levels of certain nutrients.

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Eating non-food items can lead to serious problems. These include things like lead poisoning, intestinal blockages, or choking.

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Treatment depends on what's causing the pica. If there are complications like lead poisoning, those will be treated first. Doctors might give nutrient supplements if there's a deficiency.

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