Facial Signs That Show Fatty Liver Disease

-Deepa Sarkar

Your face can reveal important clues about your liver health. Here are warning signs on the face that may indicate fatty liver disease.

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Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes, is a key indicator of liver issues, including fatty liver disease.

Yellowing Of The Skin & Eyes

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Persistent dark circles can be a sign of poor liver function and are often associated with fatty liver disease.

Dark Circles Under Eyes

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Liver dysfunction can cause fluid retention, leading to swelling in the face and other parts of the body.

Swelling In The Face

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Persistent redness on the face, particularly around the cheeks and nose, can indicate liver inflammation.

Redness On The Face

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Spider angiomas, small, spider-like blood vessels, can appear on the face and are often linked to liver disease.

Spider-like Blood Vessels

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Chronic fatigue and lethargy can manifest on your face and are common symptoms of liver dysfunction.

Fatigue & Lethargy

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Itchy skin, particularly on the face, can be a sign of bile build-up due to liver issues.

Itchy Skin

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