Gastritis-friendly diet: What to eat & avoid

             Written by: Nancy Dixit

Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining that can cause discomfort and pain. While it’s often temporary and treatable, managing your diet plays a key role in recovery.

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Add probiotics like yogurt, pickles, buttermilk to your diet to improve gut health. Choose less acidic options like cucumbers, beans, and leafy greens to reduce stomach discomfort.

Include Probiotics & Less Acidic Foods

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H. pylori bacteria cause gastritis and ulcers. Probiotics introduce good bacteria to the digestive tract, potentially stopping its spread.

Did You Know?

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Incorporate high-fiber foods like oats, brown rice, fruits such as apples and bananas, vegetables, and beans into your meals. These help support digestion and minimize gastritis flare-ups.

Include High-Fiber Foods

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Opt for low-fat foods such as fish, lean meats, tofu, and steamed or roasted vegetables. These are gentle on the stomach and help prevent irritation.

Go Low-Fat

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Keep yourself hydrated with non-carbonated beverages, caffeine-free teas like chamomile, plain water, and coconut water, which help soothe the stomach lining.

Stay Hydrated With The Right Drinks

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Avoid alcohol, caffeine, spicy or fried foods, sugary treats, and acidic drinks such as orange or tomato juice, as these can worsen gastritis symptoms.

Foods To Avoid

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Avoid refined carbs like white bread, pasta, and processed meats like frozen kebabs, packaged sausages, or ready-to-eat meat, as they may further irritate your stomach.

Skip Refined & Processed Foods

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