Green Banana vs. Yellow Banana: Which Is Healthier?

simran suri 

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Both green and yellow bananas offer health benefits, but they differ in nutrient content and effects:

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Green Bananas

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More Starch

Green bananas contain more resistant starch, which acts as a prebiotic, supporting gut health and aiding in weight management.

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Lower Glycemic Index

They have a lower glycemic index, making them better for blood sugar control.

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Rich In Fiber

The high fiber content helps with digestion and keeps you feeling full longer.

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Yellow Banana 

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Rich In Antioxidants

As bananas ripen, they produce more antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress.

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Easier To Digest

Yellow bananas have more natural sugars and are easier to digest, providing quick energy.

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Good Source Of Vitamins

They are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C and B6, which support the immune system and metabolism.

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Healthier Choice

lBoth banana are good but depends on person to person choice and any underlying health conditions

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For Blood Sugar Control

Green bananas may be more beneficial.

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For Quick Energy

Yellow bananas are advantageous.

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