Green Smoothie Recipe For Glowing Skin

- Mantasha

1 cup spinach, ¼ cup pineapple & coconut, ¼ teaspoon ground ginger & cinnamon, ½ banana & cucumber, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, turmeric and lemon juice


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Mix them all together in a blender until smooth and creamy.


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Packed with vitamin A and C, leafy greens promote skin health, providing essential nutrients for a natural glow.

Skin Glow

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Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to a clear and radiant complexion.

Radiant Complexion

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Coconut has healthy fats that contribute to skin hydration and may have anti-aging effects.

Anti- Aging

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Ginger and cinnamon have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially calming skin irritations and promoting a healthy complexion.

Brighter Complexion

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High in vitamins and minerals, bananas support collagen production, promoting elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Reduce Wrinkles

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Cucumber hydrates the skin and provides a cooling effect, aiding in reducing puffiness and inflammation.

Reduce Puffiness

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Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that  contribute to skin hydration and may enhance skin barrier function.


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Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric can help combat skin issues and promote an even skin tone.

Even Skin Tone

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