How cancer progresses: The 5 stages you should know

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Cancer isn't a sudden event. It develops in stages, each marking the progression of abnormal cell growth. 

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Understanding these stages is vital for early detection and effective treatment, improving the chances of managing and treating cancer effectively.

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In this earliest stage, abnormal cells appear but haven’t yet spread. These pre-cancerous cells may develop into cancer, so detection at this stage is crucial for preventing the disease from advancing further.

Stage 0 – Abnormal Cells Without Spread

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Stage 1 cancer involves a small tumor that is confined to one area. Though not spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, this stage still requires treatment to stop it from progressing to more dangerous stages.

Stage 1 – Localized Tumor Growth

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By Stage 2, the tumor has grown larger and may begin to affect surrounding tissues or spread to nearby lymph nodes. This stage requires aggressive treatment to prevent further spread.

Stage 2 – Tumor Expands & Spreads Nearby

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In Stage 3, the tumor has spread more extensively to nearby tissue and lymph nodes. Cancer at this stage can affect the function of organs and requires more complex treatment options to manage the spread.

Stage 3 – Tumor Spreads Deeply

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Stage 4 is the most advanced form of cancer, where the disease has spread to distant organs, tissues, or bones. Metastatic cancer requires intensive treatment and ongoing management to control its progression.

Stage 4 – Metastasis

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Cancer can be a challenging journey, but knowledge & early action make a big difference. Remember, you’re not alone, support systems, advancements in treatment, & your inner strength can guide you through. Reach out, stay informed, & cherish hope.

Stay Strong, Stay Hopeful

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Video Credit: Pexels

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