How long should you wait to exercise after eating?

             Written by: Mantasha

The ideal time to wait before exercising after a meal depends on the size and type of the meal. Here’s a general guideline:

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If you've had a light meal or snack (like a banana or yogurt), you can typically exercise after 30 minutes to 1 hour. Light snacks are easier to digest, and your body can quickly utilize the energy for your workout.

Small Meal Or Snack

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For heavier meals, especially those rich in proteins, fats, and carbs (such as a full lunch or dinner), it’s best to wait at least 2 to 3 hours before engaging in strenuous exercise.

Large Meal

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Why Wait?

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After eating, blood flow is directed to the stomach for digestion. Exercising too soon can divert blood from the digestive system, causing indigestion.

Digestion Needs Blood Flow

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Waiting allows your body to break down food into usable energy, optimizing your performance during exercise.

Energy Levels

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For light activities like walking, you can start sooner, but for more intense workouts, waiting for proper digestion ensures better comfort and performance.

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