How Smoking Can Affect Your Gut?

Written by: mantasha

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Smoking damages your gut in several ways, disrupting the delicate balance of your digestive system and potentially leading to various health problems. 

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Here's a breakdown of how smoking wreaks havoc on your gut health:

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Gut Microbiome Disruption

Smoking alters the composition of your gut bacteria. It disrupts the balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria, promoting the growth of harmful ones. This imbalance can lead to inflammation, digestive issues.

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Impaired Gut Barrier Function

Smoking weakens the tight junctions in your gut lining, which act as a barrier between your intestines and bloodstream.

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Reduced Mucus Production

Smoking can decrease the production of mucus in your gut, which plays a crucial role in protecting the lining and aiding digestion. Without adequate mucus, your gut becomes more susceptible to irritation and damage.

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Increased Risk Of Gut Ulcers

Smoking weakens the stomach lining and increases stomach acid production, both of which contribute to the development of peptic ulcers.

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Impaired Nutrient Absorption

Smoking can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients from food, potentially leading to deficiencies.

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