How To Avoid Getting Sick During Monsoon?

-Deepa Sarkar

Prepare for a healthy monsoon season! Follow these essential tips to avoid health problems during the rainy season.

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Boil water to eliminate germs and bacteria, and start your day with lemon water to enhance immunity.

Drink Boiled Water

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Opt for homemade meals over street food to prevent infections and foodborne illnesses.

Avoid Street Food

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Use mosquito repellents, nets, and wear long-sleeved clothing to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue and malaria.

Protect Against Mosquitoes

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It is recommended to choose cooked foods for improved digestion during the monsoon season, as raw foods may be harder to digest due to a slower metabolism.

Skip Uncooked Foods

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Eliminate stagnant water around your home to prevent breeding grounds for mosquitoes and waterborne diseases.

Avoid Stagnant Water

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Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before eating and after using the restroom, to prevent infections.

Maintain Personal Hygiene

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Stay active with indoor exercises or yoga to maintain physical fitness and enhance immunity during the monsoon.

Exercise Indoors

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