How to handle anxiety in kids?

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Anxiety is a natural part of childhood, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can affect a child's well-being. 

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Learn 5 practical strategies to help your child cope with anxiety & feel supported.

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Let your child know their feelings are real & understandable. Offer reassurance that you are there for them.

Listen & Validate

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Teach simple breathing exercises to help them calm their mind and body when anxiety strikes.

Encourage Deep Breathing

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Children feel safer with predictability. Set regular routines to reduce uncertainty and stress.

Establish Routines

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Introduce relaxation techniques like stretching or progressive muscle relaxation  or listening light music to relieve tension.

Practice Relaxation

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Your reactions matter. Stay calm and patient when your child is anxious, as they often mirror your emotions.

Be Calm & Supportive

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