How To Know If Your Hair Fall Is Normal

             Written by: Mantasha

Hair fall is a common concern, but it's important to distinguish between normal hair shedding and excessive hair loss that may indicate a problem.

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Here are some ways to assess whether your hair fall is within the normal range:

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Losing 50-100 hair a day is typical. More hair may come out during washing or brushing.

Understand Normal Shedding

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Excessive shedding means losing more than 100 hair daily. Large clumps in the shower or brush can signal a problem.

Evaluate The Amount

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A thinner ponytail or increased scalp visibility may indicate thinning. Compare current thickness to past measurements.

Check Hair Thickness

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Temporary hair loss can result from lifestyle changes or stress or maybe any health issues.

Consider Recent Changes

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Pattern baldness often shows as a receding hairline or thinning at the crown. This is a gradual process.

Look For Patterned Loss

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Brittle, weak hair and frequent breakage suggest damage. This differs from normal hair loss.

Assess Hair Quality

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If you're worried, see a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. They can identify any underlying issues.

Consult A Professional

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