Add 1 teaspoon of black cumin seeds to the boiling water. Let it simmer for 5-10 minutes, then strain and drink. Add honey or lemon for taste, as they also have acidity-reducing properties.
Photo Credit: Freepik
Simply chew a small amount (about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon) of black cumin seeds after meals. This can help stimulate digestion and reduce acidity.
Photo Credit: Freepik
Mix 1 teaspoon of black cumin seed oil with a teaspoon of honey and consume this mixture after meals to help alleviate acidity symptoms.
Photo Credit: Freepik
Mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the powder with water or yogurt. Consume this mixture once or twice a day to help reduce acidity.
Photo Credit: Freepik
Add 1 tablespoon of black cumin seeds to a cup of warm water. Let it steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink the infusion before or after meals to help with digestion & reduce acidity.
Photo Credit: Freepik