How To Use Flaxseeds For Hydrating Skin In Summer?

- Simran Suri

Harnessing the hydrating properties of flaxseeds for summer skin care can be simple and effective. 

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Here are some ways to incorporate flaxseeds into your summer skincare routine:

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Make a hydrating mask by boiling flaxseeds in water until it forms a gel-like consistency. This mask can help soothe and hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed. 

Gel Mask

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Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving it soft and supple.

Oil Massage

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Create a DIY facial toner by infusing water with flaxseeds. This toner can help hydrate and revitalize your skin, especially during hot summer days.

Facial Toner

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Make a gentle exfoliating scrub by mixing ground flaxseeds with a bit of honey or yogurt. This scrub can help remove dead skin cells and impurities while nourishing the skin.

Flaxseed Scrub

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Create a hydrating face pack by mixing ground flaxseeds with plain yogurt. This face pack can help replenish moisture and leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated.

Face Pack

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Add flaxseed oil to your bath water for a hydrating soak. The flaxseeds will release their moisturizing properties into the water, leaving your skin feeling soft after bathing.

Bath Soak

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Soak cotton pads in cool flaxseed-infused water and place them over closed eyelids for a refreshing eye compress. This can reduce eye puffiness. 

Eye Compress

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