HPV Vaccine Not Just Protects From Cervical Cancer, But Other Cancers Too

             Written by: Dr. Nitika Makhija

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that commonly causes sexually transmitted infections in both women and men.

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Persistent HPV infections can lead to various cancers. The HPV vaccine is a comprehensive shield against the virus.


Getting the HPV shot is a highly effective way to prevent not just cervical cancer but other cancers as well. These include:

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While these cancers are less common, they can also be caused by HPV. The HPV vaccine helps prevent these by targeting the virus.

Vaginal & Vulvar Cancers

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HPV is a major cause of anal cancer in both men and women. The vaccine offers robust protection, reducing the risk of developing this cancer.

Anal Cancer

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Men are at risk of penile cancer from HPV. Vaccination can significantly lower this risk by preventing the infection that can lead to cancerous changes.

Penile Cancer

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HPV can cause cancers in the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils. The HPV vaccine is a powerful tool that can help prevent these cancers.

Oropharyngeal Cancer

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