Is Running Better Than Walking For Weight Loss?

             Written by: Mantasha

Yes, walking can be a highly effective exercise for weight loss, sometimes even more so than running, depending on your goals and physical condition. 

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Here’s why walking might be better for weight loss:

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Walking is gentler on the joints compared to running, which reduces the risk of injuries and makes it a sustainable long-term exercise option.

Lower Impact

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Due to its lower intensity, walking can be easier to stick with over time, leading to more consistent calorie burning and weight loss.


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While running burns more calories per minute, walking can be just as effective when done for longer periods. It also allows for a more gradual increase in intensity, which can aid in sustaining weight loss.

Calorie Burning

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Walking requires no special equipment or locations, making it more accessible and convenient to incorporate into your daily routine.


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Walking is less likely to induce high levels of stress on your body, which can help prevent stress-related weight gain and improve overall well-being.

Stress Reduction

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Walking can be easily integrated into your daily life, such as taking walks during breaks or after meals, enhancing overall physical activity without requiring a separate workout session.


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