Say Goodbye To Constipation With Water


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Water is crucial for preventing constipation because it helps maintain proper digestion and bowel movements in several ways:

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When you're dehydrated, your body absorbs more water from your intestines, leading to harder and drier stools, which can contribute to constipation. 

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Muscle Function

Muscles contract to move food through your digestive system. Without enough water, they may not function effectively, slowing down the passage of stool & leading to constipation.

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Fiber Digestion

Fiber is important for a healthy diet & helps promote regular bowel movements. However, fiber needs water to work effectively. Without adequate water, it can become hard & lead to constipation.

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Toxin Removal

Water helps flush toxins and waste products out of your body, including those from the digestive process. Without enough water, these toxins can build up in your intestines, potentially contributing to constipation.

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