Navratri Fasting Do's and Don'ts

- Montasha

Start changing your diet two weeks before fasting. Gradually reduce sugar and fats to help your body adapt to the new dietary schedule.

Prepare Your Body

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Eat energy-boosting fruits like apples and guavas. Add papaya as well to aid digestion and prevent constipation.

Choose The Right Foods

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Create a clear work schedule to avoid stress and fatigue. Navratri fasting is a time for relaxation and detoxification.

Manage Stress

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Never compromise on your sleep schedule. Fasting requires your body to rest and rejuvenate for the next day.

Prioritize Sleep

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Begin your meal with a glass of coconut water to activate digestive enzymes. Avoid heavy, fatty meals that can lead to acidity.

Breaking Your Fast

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Opt for almonds and walnuts after breaking the fast, as they are packed with essential nutrients to prevent fatigue.

Nutrition From Nuts

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Navratri fasting is an opportunity for inner reflection and spiritual awakening. Remember to embrace the spiritual significance of this sacred festival.

A Time For Reflection

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