Navratri Fasting Tips For People With Diabetes

- Mantasha

Eat low-glycemic index foods like pumpkin, and bottle gourd. Consume vegetables & nuts for fiber and nutrients.

Foods To Eat

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Avoid high-glycemic index foods such as potatoes, white rice. Limit the consumption of fried snacks and deep-fried foods.

Foods To Avoid

Photo Credit: Freepik

Have a balanced meal that includes protein, fiber, & healthy fats.

Meal Planinng

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Drink plenty of water & herbal teas to stay hydrated. Avoid sugary beverages & excess caffeine.


Photo Credit: Freepik

Regularly monitor your blood sugar levels during Navratri. Adjust your diet if necessary to maintain target levels.

Monitor Blood Sugar

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While these tips  may help you during the period of fasting, it’s always best to call your doctor if you experience any complications.


Photo Credit: Freepik