Productive Things To Do Rather Than Scrolling

- Tanya Singh

Reading is a great way to gain knowledge as well as get inspired. Magazines, self-help books or fictional stories, grab a book and start reading!

Start Reading

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Go for a walk, ride a bike or go to the gym. Get involved in some form of exercise you love.

Physical Activity

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This will not only help you keep track of your days and gather memories but will also help you connect better with yourself.


Photo Credit: Freepik

Calling someone you haven't contacted in a while will help you feel more connected to your loved ones and will also give them a happy surprise!

Call A Loved One

Photo Credit: Freepik

Be it for a small gesture or a grand commitment, writing a thank you note will inculcate the habit of gratefulness in you.

Write Thank You Notes

Photo Credit: Freepik