Rainy Retreat: 8 Tips For A Blissful Monsoon

Written by: Monalisa Deka

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To make the most of this refreshing time of year and keep yourself feeling great, consider these eight tips for a blissful monsoon:

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Drink Clean Water

Always carry drinking water while traveling or only buy packaged drinking water whenever needed. In case you don't have a water filter at home, drink only boiled water.

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Avoid Street Food

During monsoon, avoid street food or unhygienic food stalls and eat freshly cooked food at home.

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Protect Against Mosquitoes

Use mosquito repellents, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep under mosquito nets to protect yourself from dengue and malaria.

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Maintain Hand Hygiene

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water before eating food or keep a sanitizer handy.

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Stay Warm

Immediately remove any wet clothing, and shoes after reaching home and have a bowl of hot soup to stay warm and hydrated.

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Keep Surroundings Dry

Stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Regularly clean your surroundings and remove any stagnant water.

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Protect Your Hair

Humidity can make your hair frizzy and unmanageable. Use anti-frizz products or hair masks to keep your hair smooth and healthy.

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Keep Your Feet Dry

Wet feet can lead to fungal infections. Use moisture-wicking socks and waterproof shoes, and always dry your feet thoroughly after getting wet.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock