Should You Fast Before A Cholesterol Test?

             Written by: Mantasha

Yes, fasting is often recommended before a cholesterol test or lipid profile, to ensure accurate results. Here's why:

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Triglyceride levels (triglycerides are energy-storing fat molecules that travel through your blood) can be significantly affected by recent food intake. Fasting helps to stabilize these levels.

Triglycerides Levels

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Fasting before the test ensures consistency and comparability of results over time or with other patients' results. 


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Fasting helps to prevent the intake of fats and sugars from temporarily elevating cholesterol levels, which can lead to misleading results.

Clearer Results

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Fasting helps accurately measure LDL (bad cholesterol) because the calculation relies on stable triglyceride levels.

LDL Accuracy

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Fasting reduces natural changes in your cholesterol, ensuring there is no food contamination in the blood, which provides true and accurate results.

Less Variation

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Always follow your healthcare provider's specific instructions regarding fasting for a cholesterol test.

Please Note

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