Side-Effects Of Frequent Hair Coloring


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Colouring hair is a popular way to express style and enhance appearance. However, frequent use of chemical-based dyes can lead to various side effects that individuals should be aware of.

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Damage To Hair Shaft

Chemical dyes with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can penetrate the hair cuticle, but they also strip natural oils and proteins. This can cause dryness, brittleness, and breakage over time.

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Scalp Irritation

Chemical dyes can irritate the scalp, leading to itching, redness, and inflammation. Some may even experience severe allergic reactions such as hives or swelling.

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Long-Term Health Risks

Certain chemicals in hair dyes have been associated with potential health risks, including an increased risk of cancers like breast cancer.

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Psychological Effects

Hair coloring can affect self-esteem, if results don't meet expectations or cause damage.

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Choose dyes free from harsh chemicals. Follow instructions carefully to minimize damage. Always perform a patch test for allergies and try to give hair breaks between colouring sessions for recovery.

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