How Can You Tell If Your Child Has Down Syndrome?

- Simran Suri

Down syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by a range of physical features, developmental delays, and cognitive impairments.

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While the severity and combination of symptoms can vary widely among individuals with Down syndrome, there are some common signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of the condition.

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Individuals with Down syndrome often have characteristic facial features, including flattened facial profile, upward slanting eyes with small ears.

Distinctive Facial Features

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Children with Down syndrome may experience delays in reaching developmental milestones, like delayed motor skills development, such as sitting up, crawling, and walking

Developmental Delays

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Many children with Down syndrome have decreased muscle tone or hypotonia, which can affect their ability to control their movements and posture.

Low Muscle Tone 

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Children with Down syndrome typically have shorter stature compared to their peers, with slower growth rates during childhood and adolescence.

Short Stature

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Congenital heart defects are common in individuals with Down syndrome, affecting approximately 50% of newborns with the condition. 

Heart Defects

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Can Down Syndrome Be Detected Before Birth?