Signs That Your Immune System Needs Care

             Written by: Mantasha

If you’re catching colds, flu, or infections more often than usual, it may indicate a weakened immune system struggling to fend off harmful pathogens.

Frequent Infections

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Cuts or scrapes that take longer than usual to heal could signal that your immune system isn't working at full strength.

Slow Healing Wounds

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Constant tiredness or feeling run down, even after adequate sleep, might suggest that your immune system is overworked and needs support.

Chronic Fatigue

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Frequent issues like bloating, diarrhea, or constipation may point to an imbalance in gut health, which plays a crucial role in immunity.

Digestive Problems

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An overactive immune system can cause allergic reactions or sensitivities to everyday things like dust, pollen, or certain foods.

Increased Allergies

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Recurring headaches without any clear cause might indicate inflammation in the body, often related to a stressed immune system.

Frequent Headaches

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If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to give your immune system some extra care through proper nutrition, rest, and stress management.

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