Things To Avoid Consuming During Monsoon

- Tanya Singh

Humidity induces dehydration however consuming fizzy drinks weaken your digestive system and can reduce the minerals in your body.

Fizzy Drinks

Photo Credit: Freepik

Mushrooms grow in damp soil and can have bacterial growth which increases the risk of infection once consumed, especially during the monsoon season.


Photo Credit: Freepik

Yogurt is very cold food product to be consumed during the monsoon season. It might lead to sore throat and sinus issues.


Photo Credit: Freepik

It is not advisable to consume seafood during monsoon as it is susceptible to being infected by bacteria in rain water.


Photo Credit: Freepik

While salads are indubitably healthy, it is better to avoid leafy vegetables as they are susceptible to fungal and bacterial growth.

Leafy Salads

Photo Credit: Freepik