Things You Should Avoid While Breastfeeding

- Mantasha

Limit or avoid alcohol while breastfeeding. If you plan to drink alcohol, wait for 2-3 hours before breastfeeding again.


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Keep caffeine intake moderate; excess may cause infant irritability and sleep disturbances.


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Quit if you smoke; avoid smoking around your baby. Secondhand smoke harms your child's health.


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Be cautious; excessive vitamin A can harm the baby. Check product ingredients, and choose breastfeeding-safe skincare.

Retinol In Skincare

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Watch for baby sensitivities; common allergens include cow's milk, eggs, nuts, soy, and wheat. If issues arise, eliminate them completely from your diet

Allergenic Foods

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Seek guidance from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional if you encounter any challenges or have underlying health concerns while breastfeeding.


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