Top 5 Delicious & Healthy Curd Recipes

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Curd, a staple in many diets, is more than just a side dish. Packed with probiotics and essential nutrients, it can transform everyday meals into healthy delights.

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Here are the top five curd-based dishes to boost your diet and wellness!

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A refreshing blend of curd and vegetables, Raita is perfect as a side dish or a light snack. Rich in probiotics and vitamins, it aids in digestion and adds a cooling touch to your meal.


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A comforting South Indian classic, Curd Rice is both soothing and nutritious. With tempering of mustard seeds and curry leaves, it provides a great balance of flavors and is easy on the stomach.

Curd Rice

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Kadhi is a spiced curd-based curry that's rich in protein and calcium. Pair it with rice or roti for a wholesome meal that’s both comforting and beneficial for gut health.


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Also known as buttermilk, Chaas is a light, probiotic-rich drink that aids digestion and refreshes you. It’s especially beneficial during hot days, keeping you hydrated and healthy.


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A flavorful dish of potatoes cooked in spiced curd, Dahi Aloo is both filling and nutritious. The curd adds a creamy texture and tangy flavor, making it super delicious. 

Dahi Aloo

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