Top 5 Evening Exercises For Weight Loss


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Boost your evening routine with these simple exercises to help you shed pounds and stay fit.

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Squats engage key muscle groups, aiding weight loss and injury prevention. Perform by standing shoulder-width apart, bending knees, pushing hips back, then returning to standing.

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It enhances core strength, stability, and balance. Start in a push-up position, supporting weight on forearms, tightening core and glutes for several minutes.

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Knee Push-ups

Knee push-ups build upper body strength. Kneel with hands shoulder-width apart, engage your core, lower your torso by bending your arms, then push back up

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Glute Bridge

It activates the glutes and stabilizes the core. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat. Lift your hips to form a straight line from knees to shoulders, then lower slowly, tightening glutes and abs.

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Curtsy Lunge

Stand with legs hip-width apart, step the left leg behind the right, and bend both knees. Join your palms together and stay in that position for 4-5 seconds before returning to original position.

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