Top 5 Protein-Rich Foods For Vegans

             Written by: Mantasha

For those following a vegan diet, getting enough protein is crucial for maintaining energy levels, muscle health, and overall well-being. 

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Here are five excellent sources of plant-based protein to incorporate into your meals:

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With about 18 grams of protein per cup, lentils are also rich in fiber and iron. They work well in soups, dal and salads.


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Providing around 15 grams of protein per cup, chickpeas are great for making hummus, falafel, and adding to curries.


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Offering about 8 grams of protein per cup, quinoa is a complete protein and can replace rice or pasta in meals.


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This soy-based protein has around 10 grams per half-cup serving and is versatile for grilling, stir-frying, or blending.


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With 10 grams of protein per 3 tablespoons, hemp seeds are also rich in healthy fats. Sprinkle them on salads, add to smoothies, or mix into oatmeal.

Hemp Seeds

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