Top 6 Home Care Tips For Managing Arthritis


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Heat Therapy

Use hot-water bags or electric heating pads to provide temporary relief from joint pain and swelling.

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Weight Management

Shedding excess weight is crucial for arthritis management. Adopt gradual lifestyle changes, including a balanced diet and regular exercise to support overall health.

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Effective Exercises

Incorporate flexibility exercises for joint range, brisk walking and strength training to support and protect joints.

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Massage Therapy

Consider regular massages to get relief from pain associated with arthritis.

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Joint Care Tips

Use forearms, not wrists or knuckles, when rising from a chair. Distribute weight evenly to avoid shoulder or knuckle strain. These habits promote optimal joint care in daily activities.

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Rest & Exercise Balance

Recognize the importance of rest in arthritis management. Balance exercise with adequate rest to prevent injury and promote joint health.

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Seek expert advice before starting any exercise regimen, especially for those with chronic health conditions. Supervision is recommended for workouts involving heavy equipment.

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