Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

             Written by: Mantasha

Love your morning cup of coffee? It does more than just wake you up! Here are some top health benefits of coffee that might surprise you on this International Coffee Day.

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Regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of dying from serious conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease.

Live Longer

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Coffee may help your body process sugar more efficiently, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Have your cup of coffee without sugar.

Better Blood Sugar Control

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Sipping 1-2 cups a day might help your heart pump blood more effectively, lowering the risk of heart failure. Choose skimmed over full-fat milk.

Reduced Risk Of Heart Failure

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The caffeine in coffee is linked to a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s and can improve movement control in those affected.

Lower Parkinson’s Disease Risk

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Whether regular or decaf, coffee offers protection for your liver by maintaining healthy enzyme levels and reducing the risk of liver disease. Black coffee is the best choice.

Liver Protection

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