Vitamin D Rich Foods To Eat During Rainy Season

             Written by: Mantasha

During the rainy season, it can be challenging to get enough sunlight for your body to produce sufficient vitamin D.

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Including vitamin D-rich foods in your diet can help maintain adequate levels. Here are some foods to consider:

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Certain mushrooms, such as maitake and portobello, can provide vitamin D, especially when they are exposed to sunlight during their growth.


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Certain types of cheese, such as Swiss cheese, contain small amounts of vitamin D. Including cheese in your meals can contribute to your daily intake.


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Many foods are fortified with vitamin D, including milk, plant-based milk alternatives (like almond, soy, and oat milk), orange juice, and cereals. Check the labels to ensure they are fortified.

Fortified Foods

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Egg yolks contain vitamin D, though the amount can vary based on the chicken's diet. Including eggs in your diet can help boost your vitamin D intake.

Egg Yolks

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Fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of vitamin D. Just one serving can provide a significant portion of your daily requirement.

Fatty Fish

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