What Are The Causes Of Morning Facial Puffiness?


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Morning facial puffiness can be caused by various factors, including:

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Salt Intake

Consuming excessive amounts of salt, especially before bedtime, can lead to water retention in the body, including the face, contributing to morning puffiness.

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Alcohol Consumption

Drinking alcohol before bedtime can cause dehydration and disrupt the body's natural fluid balance, leading to facial puffiness in the morning.

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Allergic reactions to certain foods, skincare products, or environmental allergens can cause inflammation and swelling in the face, resulting in morning puffiness.

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Lack Of Sleep

Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to fluid retention and poor blood circulation, exacerbating facial puffiness upon waking up.

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Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your stomach or side can cause fluid to accumulate in the facial tissues, resulting in puffiness upon waking up.

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