What Is Rainbow Meditation & How To Practice It?


Rainbow meditation is a guided visualization technique that uses the colors of a rainbow to promote relaxation, balance, and healing. Here's a quick breakdown:

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– Relaxation – Improved mood – Chakra balancing (energy centers in the body)


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How To Practice?

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Sit or lie down in a quiet, comfortable position.

Find A Spot

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Briefly think about what you want to achieve with this meditation (e.g., feeling calmer or releasing negativity).

Set An Intention

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Take a few slow, deep breaths to focus and relax your body.

Deep Breaths

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Visualize a beautiful rainbow in front of you, with vibrant colors from violet to red.

Imagine The Rainbow

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One by one, spend a moment focusing on each color of the rainbow. You can imagine the color filling your body, or a specific chakra point that relates to that color.

Focus On Each Color

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When you're ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your breath and surroundings. Take a few moments to feel the calmness and peace within you.

Gently Come Back

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