What’s Making You Burp?

             Written by: Mantasha

Burping, or belching, is usually caused by swallowing air when eating or drinking, which then gets released from the stomach as a gas. Some common reasons for burping include:

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When you eat or drink too fast, you may swallow air along with your food or beverage.

Eating Or Drinking Quickly

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Fizzy beverages like soda or beer can introduce carbon dioxide gas into your stomach, leading to burping.

Carbonated Drinks

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Foods high in sugars, starches, or fiber can ferment in the stomach, producing gas that causes burping. Examples include beans, lentils, cabbage, and onions.

Certain Foods

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Smoking can cause you to swallow air, which can lead to burping.


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Conditions like acid reflux (GERD), gastritis, or peptic ulcers can cause excess gas production in the stomach, leading to burping as a symptom.

Digestive Conditions

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Nervous habits or stress can lead to swallowing air unconsciously, which can result in burping.

Anxiety Or Stress

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If you experience excessive burping or if it's accompanied by other symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, or heartburn, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Please Note

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