What’s Your Dosha? Find Out Now!

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

Each person has a unique Dosha that influences the characteristics or Prakriti of an individual. Lets learn about the Vata, Pitta & Kapha Dosha, and how to keep them balanced.

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Vata governs movement and is associated with dryness, lightness, and coldness. Vata types are energetic and creative but may have dry skin, irregular digestion, sensitivity to cold, and anxiety.

What Is Vata Dosha?

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To keep Vata in check, consume warm, nourishing foods, follow a regular routine, and practice calming activities like yoga and meditation.

How To Balance Vata Dosha

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Kapha characterized by heaviness, moisture, & calmness. Kapha types are nurturing and steady, with smooth skin and a tendency to gain weight, but they can become lethargic.

What Is Kapha Dosha?

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To balance Kapha dosha, engage in regular exercise, eat lighter, spicier foods, and avoid heavy, sugary meals.

How To Balance Kapha Dosha

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Pitta associated with heat & intensity. Pitta types are determined & passionate, with oily skin, strong digestion, and a quick temper. 

What Is Pitta Dosha?

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To balance Pitta dosha, consume cooling foods, stay hydrated, and practice relaxation techniques. Avoid spicy, acidic foods and excessive heat.

How To Balance Pitta Dosha

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Understanding and balancing your Dosha can lead to better physical and mental health. Apply these tips to maintain harmony and well-being.

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