Who Should Not Miss Getting The HPV Vaccine

             Written by: Dr. Nitika Makhija

The HPV vaccine is a crucial tool in preventing several types of cancer, particularly cervical cancer, which is closely linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV).

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While the vaccine is recommended for all preteens, there are specific groups that should prioritize getting vaccinated.

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Being vaccinated is the best way to safeguard against HPV infections.

HPV Vaccine Is Recommended For

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– The vaccine is most effective when administered before exposure to HPV. -It is recommended for boys and girls aged 9 to 14.

Preteens & Teenagers

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– Even if the vaccine was missed during the preteen years, it's never too late to get vaccinated, with the recommendation extending to age 26.

Young Adults

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-Vaccination can still benefit those who haven't been vaccinated or exposed to all HPV strains covered by the vaccine.

Women And Men Up to Age 45

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-Vaccination can still benefit those who haven't been vaccinated or exposed to all HPV strains covered by the vaccine.

Individuals With Weakened Immunity

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Looking to get vaccinated?